Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 11

Day 11in the yoga for beginners 30 day challenge. Remember that as long as you're on the mat its a good day. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just feel a stretch. Love yourself.

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Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 18

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 18. Today we're going to practice strengthening our core muscles and we'll practice some balancing poses including Garudasana (eagle pose). Toward of the beginning of our practice we'll make our way into table position, lifting the opposite arms and legs, then we'll draw the knee and elbow in toward center, engaging the core muscles, and practicing balance. When we extend the leg back, we're practicing keeping the hips level and the torso stable. This is more challenging than it looks but it's great to keep the back muscles strong! Enjoy your vinyasa practice and modify and rest as needed.

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Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 19

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 19. As we continue our challenge, you'll find some more challenging poses. Today, we're working toward Warrior 3 or virabhadrasana. This pose is very challenging and I recommend using two yoga blocks to help make this pose a bit more accessible. One of the biggest challenges is keeping the hips level as you lift the leg up and back (extension). Please modify your vinyasa's as needed and rest in child's pose whenever you'd like a break. Most importantly keep your breath steady...if that means you need to push the pause button to rest and and reconnect with the breath, then do! Always take care of yourself!!

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