Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge

Welcome to our yoga for beginners 30 day challenge. This course is perfect for the beginning yogi. You will learn how to practice yoga safely and how to use proper alignment. The yoga challenge starts easy and eventually becomes more challenging. Come stretch and learn to become more flexible with me!

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Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 2

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge day 2, welcome back! I'm so glad you're here today! On day 2, we'll review our Ujjayi breath, which is a for of yoga breathing or pranayama. We'll also review eka pada apanasana as well as table to cat and cow. Today we'll be adding downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana). We practice downward dog a lot because it's an inversion which is good to keep the spine healthy and to relieve stress. 

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Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 3

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge. Welcome back to Day 3. Today we'll be practicing the poses that we did in day one and two, including a nice stretch for the hamstrings. We'll practice Tadasana or Mountain pose, and called samastitihi (means steady balance). We'll spend some time on Tadasana today and we'll review it a lot because it's a "blueprint" pose for all of our standing poses, meaning that there is some part of Tadasana in all of our standing poses. We'll add 1/4 Sun Salutes as we build up to full Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskar over the next couple of weeks. 

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Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 4

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 4. I'm so glad you're joining us today! After we review the yoga poses we've already practiced, we'll be adding our first standing pose which is Warrior 2 (virabhadrasana 2)

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Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 5

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge, welcome to day 5. Today we're adding plank pose which is a challenging and wonderful yoga pose that builds strength throughout the body. We'll also practice cobra pose. We're adding more and more poses to build into a complete sun salutation which is used a lot in our practice to warm up the body. For our standing poses, we'll add trikonasana, or triangle pose. This pose is a wonderful lateral stretch which lengthens the side body. Moving the spin forward and backward (flexion/extension) is a wonderful way to keep it healthy. Lateral stretches or side bends are important for the spine too.

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Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 6

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 6. Today we're going to add some twists to our yoga poses. If you have two yoga blocks and a yoga blanket, please have them handy. If you don't have any yoga props, you may consider picking some up. Amazon has a nice selection and if you go through the banner on our home page (, you'll be helping us and it won't cost you anything extra. :-) I love to use yoga props in my own practice and when I teach. I think they're great! Today we're adding prasarita paddottonasana or wide legged forward fold. We'll practice the traditional "A" position and another variation with a twist. 

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Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 7

Yoga For Beginners 30 Day Challenge Day 7. Congratulations!! You've made it through your first week. I hope you're feeling good and don't forget to drink lots of water! Today we'll focus more on plank pose and moving from plank to downward dog. We'll also practice lifting one leg in downward dog to step it forward by the hands. Don't worry if your foot doesn't make it all the way between your hands, it can take time to build the strength and flexibility. You can always pick it up and put it between the hands. We're be adding more and more sun salutations. If there gets to be too many for you, please skip them and rest in downward dog. 

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