Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga Fix 30 - Day 8 - HIIT Yoga

Into Week 2

"The question is not what you look at, but what you see."
-Henry David Thoreau

Here we are into our second week. Were you able to do all of the videos for week 1? If so, that's awesome and if not, not judgement. This isn't a race. I don't remember who said it but life is not a sprint, it's a marathon. You can take these classes at your own pace. They are here for you! Practice today's affirmation from Louise Hay:
"I rejoice in who I am. I am a beautiful expression of life, flowing perfectly at all times."  Today's class is a challenging HIIT practice so remember your affirmation!!

Additional "homework:" Energy flows where there's space for it to do so. If you have some clutter around your home (I know I do!) then start to get rid of it today. This homework might take some extra time, but it's worth the effort. Donate things that you don't use. File that paperwork, throw away things you don't need. Your life will feel much lighter! I'm getting excited about doing it just by writing this!! 


PS I would love to see you in person!! I have some retreats coming up In the US in Santa Cruz, California and in Sedona, Arizona. Go here for more information and to access links to sign up...I hope to see you soon! xoxo

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Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga Fix 30 - Day 10 - Total Body Yoga Workout

The party starts when the worrying stops

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live."
-Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe

Congratulations on opening this message and embarking on day 10! You're doing great! I'm so happy that you're here. I was thinking about stress and worry because I experience it sometimes as I'm sure you do too. But the thing is...everything always works out for the best, right? I love that saying "worrying is like a rocking chair. You go back and forth and back and forth but you never get anywhere." 

Today's affirmation is:
"I am filled with joy. It flows through me with every beat of my heart." 

Additional "homework:" In your journal, write down some things that you were worried about in the past and how they were resolved. Did spending time worrying help you in any way? Is there anything you're worried about now? If so, write it down and then write, "I don't know how this situation will resolve but I trust that it will work out in the best possible way because I've been worried before, and things have always worked out for me."

All my love,

PS See you tomorrow!! xoxo

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