Yoga Fix 30 - Day 17 - Strong abs!

Sometimes the seemingly bad leads to the good.

"Barn's burnt down. Now I can see the moon."
-Mizuta Masahide

In today's video, we're going to work on strengthening our abdominal and core's kind of intense, but don't goes by quickly! Notice how it feels to practice your Agni Sara pranayama (when you exhale all the air out and then strongly pull your belly in and up). How does it feel? Is it getting any easier?  

And to keep our minds strong and clear, here is our Louise Hay affirmation for today...keep practicing these!! 
"Divine Spirit is the structure of my life. I am safe and loved and totally supported." 

Additional "homework:" Have you ever had a situation that you thought was the worst thing possible turn out to be an awesome thing? Write about it!! 


PS I have been blessed to have met the incredibly gifted Tina (Ciavarella) West a few years ago. She's an amazing healer. She lives in Melbourne, Australia but she's able to offer healing to people all over the world. I've benefited from healing she's sent me all the way from Australia to California. It's pretty incredible...really! She recently contacted me to offer you 10% off of any of her services and I encourage you to check her out: and mention Fightmaster Yoga to receive your discount. 


Yoga Fix 30 - Day 16 - Yoga Stretch


Yoga Fix 30 - Day 18 - HIIT Yoga With Crow Pose