Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga Fix 30 -Day 15 - Shoulders, Upper Back and Balance

Find your center

"...remember one thing only: that it's you - nobody else - who determines your destiny and decides your fate. Nobody else can be alive for you, nor can you be alive for anyone else."
-EE Cummings

Hi my friend!!! I'm so glad you're here today. Our video for day 15 focuses on stretching and strengthening the shoulders and there are also some fun balance postures. As you've heard me say, yoga is about balance...balancing breath with movement, effort with surrender, strength with flexibility.  
Affirmations help us to find mental balance. Here is today's to practice:
"I trust the right action is always taking place in my life. I am at peace" 

Additional "homework:" Think about all of the things things that feel balanced in your life and then the ones that feel less balanced. In other words, what are the things that work well for you and what is a struggle. Write them in your journal. Notice if there are any common themes in the things that you're struggling with and then look at the commonalities in the things that are easier. Are there any changes that you can make to relieve some struggle? Sometimes a change in attitude can make a huge difference! 


PS Do you feel like the world could use some more joy and healing? Me too! Consider becoming a yoga can help to bring more love and healing to those who need it:

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Fightmaster Yoga Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga Fix 30 - Day 18 - HIIT Yoga With Crow Pose

It's getting hot in here!

"There are two ways to live: you can live as it nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle."

Day 18 is turning up the heat, so if it's cold outside, you'll hardly even notice! I get lots of comments from people loving the HIIT classes and I gets lots of comments from people who aren't as enthusiastic about them. They certainly generate a reaction! Whether you love or hate it, just do your best. It doesn't have to be perfect and you're always welcome to push pause and rest whenever you like. You can also practice it 3 times today if you love it lol!
Today's affirmation is all about attitude: 
"I am the loving operator of my mind." Remember to practice this're not responsible for the first thought that pops into your mind, but you ARE responsible for entertaining it. So, only entertain the good ones!! 

Additional "homework:" Journal about the following topic: everything is a miracle!! 


PS Yoga teacher training is the ultimate way to deepen your practice, and this year I have a new 200-hour Yoga Alliance approved training program offering both on-line and in-person components. Details at

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