Yoga Fix 30 - Day 6 - Total Yoga Body Workout
Know Thyself
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right."
-Henry Ford
Welcome to day 6. Today's practice is a little slower...slowing down is always a good idea. In fact, today's "homework" has to do with that:
Create some time in your schedule to relax. Take at least 5 minutes to do absolutely nothing. Sit comfortably or lie down and feel your body and mind relax. If it's too difficult to find the time, you're not alone. Keep at it. Try some Yoga Nidra if you can fit it into your schedule. I've included a video below that you can follow. Yoga Nidra is a wonderful way to cultivate some much-needed downtime. Taking time to slow down, relax and get quiet is the best way to get to know thyself!
Don't forget to practice your daily affirmation:
"I am a Divine expression of life. I love and accept myself where I am right now."
PS Join me on Patreon and you'll have access to 7 more videos after the YogaFix30 program. These videos will ONLY be available on Patreon. Go to and pledge any amount to get access and to support Fightmaster Yoga. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Yoga Fix 30 - Day 10 - Total Body Yoga Workout
The party starts when the worrying stops
"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live."
-Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe
Congratulations on opening this message and embarking on day 10! You're doing great! I'm so happy that you're here. I was thinking about stress and worry because I experience it sometimes as I'm sure you do too. But the thing is...everything always works out for the best, right? I love that saying "worrying is like a rocking chair. You go back and forth and back and forth but you never get anywhere."
Today's affirmation is:
"I am filled with joy. It flows through me with every beat of my heart."
Additional "homework:" In your journal, write down some things that you were worried about in the past and how they were resolved. Did spending time worrying help you in any way? Is there anything you're worried about now? If so, write it down and then write, "I don't know how this situation will resolve but I trust that it will work out in the best possible way because I've been worried before, and things have always worked out for me."
All my love,
PS See you tomorrow!! xoxo
Yoga Fix 30 - Day 13 - Total Body Vinyasa Flow
Practice and let go!
"The appearance of things changes according to the emotions and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really in ourselves."
-Kahlil Gibran
Thank you for opening this message. I love that you're still participating in this 30-day program. Please, please, please do not worry if you're not doing it perfectly. If you miss a day, just continue as soon as you can. You many have heard me say, "just do your practice and let go of the results." In the Yoga Sutras, this is called "Abhyasa and Vairagya" Yoga is all about finding balance. We find balance in our physical bodies on the mat as we move through postures. We balance as we link our breath with our movement. We find the balance while generating heat in the body and then cooling it down. We must also remember to balance the mind by letting go of how we think things "should" be or what we think we should be able to achieve on our mats or in our lives. Just do your best. Don't you dare give up on yourself! Let the mysteries of yoga and life unfold as they will. Here is today's Louise Hay goes really well with Abhyasa and Vairagya:
"There is time and space for everything I need to do. I am at peace."
Additional "homework:" Get your journal out and write about something you were worried about recently and then how it resolved. Next, write about what your yoga practice was like when you first began and how it has evolved over time. What postures did you used to struggle with that have gotten easier? What are some things that you're struggling with now? How can you let go of the struggle? Finally, write down 10 things that you're grateful for.
PS Remember to check out my upcoming retreats because Fightmaster yogi's are super amazing people and I promise that you'll love spending time together!