Yoga Fix 30 - Day 6 - Total Yoga Body Workout

Know Thyself

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right."
-Henry Ford

Welcome to day 6. Today's practice is a little slower...slowing down is always a good idea. In fact, today's "homework" has to do with that:
Create some time in your schedule to relax. Take at least 5 minutes to do absolutely nothing. Sit comfortably or lie down and feel your body and mind relax. If it's too difficult to find the time, you're not alone. Keep at it. Try some Yoga Nidra if you can fit it into your schedule. I've included a video below that you can follow. Yoga Nidra is a wonderful way to cultivate some much-needed downtime.  Taking time to slow down, relax and get quiet is the best way to get to know thyself! 
Don't forget to practice your daily affirmation:
"I am a Divine expression of life. I love and accept myself where I am right now." 


PS Join me on Patreon and you'll have access to 7 more videos after the YogaFix30 program. These videos will ONLY be available on Patreon. Go to and pledge any amount to get access and to support Fightmaster Yoga. I thank you from the bottom of my heart! 


Yoga Fix 30 - Day 5 - Yoga for Core!


Yoga Fix 30 - Day 7 - Guided Meditation